Content Strategist at Deloitte Digital

UW Majors: Business with a Minor in English

Tell us a bit about your job (e.g. what kinds of things you’re working on, what types of problems you solve day to day, etc.)?

I am a Content Strategist at Deloitte Digital, which is a creative agency connected to the larger Deloitte consulting firm. My work consists of planning, organizing, and prioritizing digital and web content for a variety of clients. Typically, content projects start with interviews with our clients to understand their needs and concerns around content creation and maintenance, content effectiveness, and navigability of their website - with all of these components coming together to assess how well the client is telling their story and answering their audience's needs. Effective content should reach audiences with the right message in the right place at the right time, and this requires a lot of planning and coordination!

How do you think your humanities education has influenced/advanced your career path?

My English background has given me a unique advantage in my career because it has trained me to identify client stories that are worth telling, and how to best tell these stories to different audiences. I notice my English background coming into play every day, for example being able to analyze overarching themes coming out of a client interview and making persuasive recommendations based on my understanding of the client's needs (much like pulling key themes from a book and writing a persuasive argument in an essay). Beyond this, I believe reading and studying the humanities builds empathy and creates an appreciation for deliberation and thoughtfulness, which are critical skills in a workplace where you need to be a trusted partner to clients and demonstrate that you hear them.

Want to read more? Check out the profiles on the Humanities Alumni Careers page for more information on what our humanities majors are up to.